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#TNMC 2022
The Network Music Conference, Entertainment Convention and Festival (TNMC) is a premiere entertainment businessand artistry networking experience. Once a year, artists, producers, DJs, A&Rs, engineers,marketing executives, and influencers from all over the world come together to share theirpersonal success stories, strategies, experiences, and encouragement to the next generation ofartists and media moguls.
Founded in 2011 by celebrity DJ and Entrepreneur DJ Slym, The Network Music Conference has centered its focus on providing a unique and electric space that provokes important dialogue, ignites creativity, and connects all attendees through music and culture. DJ Slym is passionate about educating creatives about the entertainment space. After years of hard work, trials, setbacks, and triumphs, he thought it was imperative of him to share the trade secrets that could help a new creative and/or entertainer navigate the space and avoid the major pitfalls thatset him back. This conference was designed to pay it forward and provide a launchpad for the next generation to have the keys to greater success in this industry.